Aight, so for my second installment of "WHO'S ILLER???" I pose the question in regards to "The 90's Hip-Hop Gangsta" versus "The Present-Day Hip-Hop Gentleman". Let me preface this post with the fact that I do not condone domestic violence or blatant disrespect of women. I don't practice being a "pimp" or slap "bitches" on the street for saying some stupid shit to me. (Aight, so I did knock a chick flat on the ground one time when I was bent out of my mind, but aside from that I don't ever treat women like shit - A-Biz keep your mutha fuckin' mouth shut on this one!!!) What I'm trying to get at is that, just because a dude likes N.W.A and hates Babyface doesn't mean that same dude beats chicks up in his personal life. On that same token, just because a dude sings about love, romance and all that other gay shit doesn't mean that he doesn't beat the fuck outta his girlfriend in real life (I.E. CHRIS BROWN). Word.
I personally have a problem with the direction that hip-hop (now better known as R&B a.k.a. Rap & Bullshit) is going in. In the '90s you had the Snoop Doggs, Dr. Dres, Ice Cubes, Eazy-Es, Too Shorts, etc., etc. These mutha fuckas were on some straight up "fuck-a-bitch-shit". They never were talkin' about "I love you" in a track. Hip-Hop ain't about "I love you" it's about struggle, hate, discrimination, violence, sex, drugs, and sports. If you want to hear about some "I love you" shit then go listen to the "Love Deluxe" album by Sade while sitting in a bubble bath drinkin' wine with your girlfriend. My point is that many other genres of music are meant for the "I love you" shit. Many other genres of music have beaten the "I love you" shit to death, so why do rappers have to bring this element into a music form that was a breath of fresh air to listen to. No longer did I have to listen to a man profess his love to a woman in a song. I could listen to music that spoke about other life issues besides love.
The Hip-Hop G's of the '90s gave us songs like "Bitches Ain't Shit", "Gimme That Nutt", "Shimmy Shimmy Ya", "Ain't No Fun", and "Iron Maiden". The Hip-Hop gentlemen of the present have provided us with gems such as "Best I Ever Had", "Love of My Life", and "So Beautiful". Even Hip-Hop G's like Snoop Dogg have gotten gay lately with auto-tune and songs about how much they love women. Can someone tell me how the fuck Snoop can do what he did in the '90s and then make a track with Pharrell called "Beautiful"???? Come on dude.
What kills me about present day "hip-hip" is that it's not really hip-hop. Take Drake for example, this kid was a sitcom actor turned "rapper", but really he's a singer who can "rap". This dude comes out with a first single called "Best I Ever Had" and they call this shit "hip-hop"???? Nah man. This is the prime example of Rap & Bullshit (R&B). The industry is going nuts over him because he can rhyme and sing and sings about topics that teenage girls will pay for. THIS IS THE KEY TO SUCCESS NOW. Mutha fuckas my age that fiend for that real hip-hop won't actually BUY real hip-hop. So now we get stuck with these fake thug, pussy-ass Drake mutha fuckas who the industry markets as hip-hop artists when all they really are, are con-artists dressed up and marketed as something which they are not.
Do I wanna listen to "you're the best I ever had" or "Yo bitch, I fucked your friend. Yeah you stank hoe. I seen her on the elevator, honey grabbed my Kangol..."
Let's be real - when I'm chillin' with my lady, I'm on some "you're the best I ever had" shit. BUT when I'm listenin' to hip-hop I'm not making out with my chick at the same time. (For the record I don't make-out. That's some bitch-made shit. It's like, get to the point already!!! Hahaha.)
So this week, I'ma have to give it to the Hip-Hop G's of the '90s 'cause in a fight they would straight Debo the fuck outta these General Tso's Tofu eatin' vegetable lasagna head mutha fuckas. WORD LIFE!!!!
Money Miz,
The Blueprint 3 landed a week early on internet radio (sure you had it a month ago thought). Reaction? Is he too old/removed to dis and talk about haters? Too much 911? Rap History tribute too friendly? All said I'm much happier with it than Kingdom Come, but it's just another sequel that doesn't like up to the orginal.
Chuck B
Chuck B,
First off: thanks for reading and posting a comment!!! I appreciate it homey!!!
Yeah, I've had it for a little while and I haven't said anything about it yet 'cause I don't want to be another one of those internet "haters". For me personally, it's practically not listenable. I feel like it isn't "hip-hop" as hip-hop is supposed to be. Kanye and Timbaland's production have both crossed into a realm that is no longer hip-hop, but more "hip-pop" or even electronic. Granted they make good electronic beats, but that electronic sound just isn't "hip-hop" to me. Aside from the production, Jay-Z has been coming off rather weak to me since The Black Album. I loved the Black Album and thought it was an excellent album to retire on. Kingdom Come was a disgrace, American Gangster was anything but gangster and now this Blueprint 3 is kind of gay. Jay-Z is supposed to carry the torch of hip-hop through the bad times and all he has done is carry the torch further and further away from where hip-hop is from. The buzz I've been hearing in Brooklyn is primarily that he turned soft and his beats are "gay" for lack of a better term. I personally can't listen to a dude who puts out D.O.A. and then uses that shit on songs he's made after that track. I strongly feel that the music industry has to come up with a new name/genre for this type of music that is coming out now. It is not hip-hop and should not be called hip-hop anymore. I guess to sum it up, I'm just flat out confused by this album and what he's trying to do to hip-hop.
See, u piss me off sometimes with your comments, how can you say drake is a fake thug? he doesnt even pretend to be a thug...you listend to, and liked te mixtapes i sent you and said hes nice. Now hes gay and hes not what hip hop needs just because he can sing also??
secondly, snoop and those dudes were 16-18 yrs old when they were making the fuck a bitch records...this is almost 20 yrs later, and dudes have wives and children now..and u want him to still make records about disrespecting bitches? Dudes get older, they cant keep rapping about the same shit...and even if they did rap about the same shit that would be wack..why would i want to hear the same album/records twice...people evolve and do different shit, are u doing or talking about the same shit u did when u weere 16 yrs old? No u evolve and think differently, now i tihnk it is unacceptable for the wackness to be out, but when u ask how can snoop make a song called beautiful, its because hes not 16 yrs old and has more of a view/opinion on life or the world besides long beach california. People get older.
The last thing i will say is hip hop is not dead. Its still there, quality stuff by people we like, and new comers are still coming out, we still get the same amount of good music as we did before. People just are not looking in the right venues to find good music..if u refer to hip hop as whats on the radio, then thats a bad representation of hip hop..but the underground hip hop still has plenty of good shit. For me personally, nowadays i dnt care how dope a song is, even if it was better than a song from yesteryears, i will never have the same feeling that the music from that day gave me.. and its not because of the quality of the music, i was just a different age, and that music gives me a different feeling...what u have to realize and u have to face it, is that u will never feel the way u felt back then abot music, even if it is better quality than it was in the 90s...its because uve gotten older. Hip hop will never be the same as the 90s...get over it and stop complaining....i just sent u like 35 tracks on ur email
Hahaha!!! Yes you did my friend and they are mostly nasty. The bottom line of what I'm saying here is that hip-hop ain't supposed to be gay. I don't want to hear dudes talkin about "I love you". Leave that shit to other genres like R&B. Hip-Hop has to remain a medium for alternative subject matter. "I love you" music has many other genres to play out in. Why's that bullshit gotta pollute the rawness of what hip-hop embodies? I'm also done with Drake. J. Cole is far superior in my opinion. After hearing a bunch of tracks you gave me of both of them, J. Cole is definitely a better emcee in my opinion. Hands down.
ok so what about method man your all i need, and inspectah deck lovin you...as long as a beat is tight, and the rhymes are tight...what does it matter if a dude is saying i love you? Yes i like j cole better, too...but those 2 drake tracks i sent u were ill? u didnt like them? when he raps like that he puts out good shit
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